Sunday, August 11, 2013

1st Day of School Tips Linky

Today I'm linking up with Fun-in-First to share one of my favorite survival tips for the first day of school.

One of the most important tips that I have learned in my teaching career I learned from my final internship teacher.  Before my internship was over, I was blessed to have been offered a first grade position half way through the year.  I was extremely excited and nervous beyond belief.  As we were talking and preparing for the transition, my internship teacher told me that one of the most important things to do on my first day was to "make sure they all eat lunch and get on the right bus home.  Everything else is a bonus."  That lesson has always helped me to stay calm the first day of each year.  So my tip for you guys involves a check-in procedure.

When students and parents trickle into the room on the first day, I always have something for the students to do or play with at their desk.  This gives them time to get comfortable and allows me a quick opportunity to check-in with the parents (it's a nerve wracking day for them too ya know?).  I always have a clip board at the front of the room with a first day information sheet attached.  It's a very basic chart with spaces for the following: Student name, parent name and contact #, way home today, and way home the remainder of the year.  I catch each parent as they come in and have them fill out the chart before they leave.  There are times when students will come in unaccompanied on the first day.  Sometimes they know how they go home and sometimes they don't.  EITHER way, I ALWAYS make a trip to the front office during my planning to verify their way home.  Things can get chaotic the first day so remember to make this a priority! :)

Reading the other posts that are a part of this linky are sure to get you ramped up for the first day!  What are some of your favorite first day procedures?


  1. I love the advice that your internship teacher gave you because, at the end of the day, that is the truth!!! I'm a new follower of your blog...can't wait to read more!

    1, 2, Eyes On You!
